What does it mean to Age Well?
Aging is a natural phenomenon of life. Some may say it is the degradation of our physical bodies, and others will say it is a blessing and a gift of longevity. So, if we are all aging, why and how do some people appear to age better than others? Of course, some aspects of aging are hereditary as in the early graying of one’s hair, or the prevalence of osteoarthritis in the joints. But, much of aging well or not well is within our personal control. Aging with a body that is relatively free from pain and a mind that is clear and bright is what many of us seek to attain. With Yoga, it is doable.
CLICK HERE to read about suggested Movement Guidelines for Aging Well
Why is Aging Well Important?
Aging Well means longer independence and a better quality of life despite the years that pass on our life’s calendar. When we accept and embrace every age, we have appreciation rather than fear and dread. We open ourselves up to learn and embrace what life brings to us with every passing year. Instead of focusing on the things we are losing, Yoga helps us to live in the present moment and appreciate the blessings of the here and now which helps our mental health. And of course Yoga helps our physical health with its myriad of breathing and movement practices that keep our internal systems running efficiently and our structure stable and strong.
Including a daily Yoga practice into your life will add quality to your years so that you can enjoy getting older with more energy and optimism. Growing older just means you have more chapters of your life to live. Live them with less pain, anxiety and fear with a safe and gentle daily Yoga practice!
Collection of Videos

Note: This collection and the related video series are included in all YogaVista.TV subscription plans.
We made it easy for you to find practices that work into your lifestyle. This collection was specifically created to guide you in Aging Well. Mix and match from these options:
Take time every day to do something good for yourself… For better health and living longer!
To view this collection and/or the related video series below, click on an image.
Related Video Series
The following Video Series are an easy way for you to start your Wellness Practices for Aging Well with Yoga! Depending on your physical abilities, your format preference, and your time commitment, choose a series to begin with and see where it takes you. Each of these series was specifically designed to get you moving and feeling better!
Online Workshops related to Aging Well
Workshop: Yoga for Aging – The Anatomy of Movement
We are all aging… that is undeniable. However, what happens to our bodies as we age varies from person to person. Although there are universal aspects of aging, we can actually modify and/or control many of them in order to lead healthier lives. In this Workshop, Sherry Zak Morris, C-IAYT and E-RYT, discusses what happens to our structures as we age. In addition, she explains how these structural changes can be manifested in people over the age of 50 via their posture and gait (walking pattern). Lastly, she provides information on what we can do in a Yoga practice to counteract these changes and/or diminish their progression.
Note: This Workshop is included in all YogaVista.TV subscription plans. It is an excerpt from the full 4-Hour workshop below: Foundations of Yoga for Seniors and the Anatomy of Aging.
Online Workshop: Foundations of Yoga for Seniors and the Anatomy of Aging
The vast majority of Americans are growing into their senior and golden years. In other words, they are beginning to experience the physical effects of aging. In this Workshop, Sherry Zak Morris, C-IAYT and E-RYT, will teach you about the aging body and how Yoga can help! Furthermore, Sherry will describe the issues facing this student community. Lastly, she will give you the tools and confidence necessary to teach to this demographic.
Online Workshop: An Introduction to Ayurveda and the Doshas
Want to reboot your health status? Do you feel tired, experience hot flashes, have heartburn or sluggish digestion? Do you have difficulty sleeping? Learn what these symptoms mean and what lifestyle and dietary adjustments can be made to bring life into balance with the study of Ayurveda. As part of this Workshop with Lulu Peelle, you will complete a questionnaire to learn about your dosha (mind/body constitution). This will empower you to observe, practice and change the life patterns that cause you stress and imbalance. Extensive handouts are provided as ongoing resources for this valuable life-long practice of health and wellness.
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