When most people hear the word Yoga, they think of bendy body movements, meditation and maybe some breathing practices. However, there are two other limbs of Yoga which you may not be aware of… unless you have studied Yoga in-depth. These are a set of ethical precepts called the Yamas (translated as restraints) and Niyamas (translated as observances). Indeed, if we learn to implement their teachings, they can help us to live a healthier lifestyle.
I like to think of these precepts simply as follows:
Firstly, the Yamas, are things which may bring unpleasantness into your life if you do them. Therefore, you want to avoid them and cultivate their opposite. These include:
Excessive Behavior
Secondly, the Niyamas, are practices that you may want to bring into your life to feel more balanced and these include:
Good Practices
Purity or Cleanliness
Accept Support From a Higher Source
In addition, you can find more information and guidance about the Yamas & Niyamas in my document below:
An excerpt from Yoga as a Lifestyle Practice after a Diabetes Diagnosis by Denyse LeFever:
“Two different teachers made the Yamas and Niyamas more meaningful to me. Nischala Joy Devi, in her book The Secret Power of Yoga, presents a more positive translation than those done previously by male Sanskrit scholars. She describes these practices as “ways you live your life, not something you learn.” More recently, Kristine Kaoverii Weber, in her online course The Yoga & Neuroscience Connection, drives home the wisdom of these ethical tenets as it applies to resilience. From their teachings, I describe how each of these principles helped me better understand how to manage my diabetes.”
Be sure to also check out the meditation practices based on the Yamas & Niyamas on YogaVista.TV. Above all, try incorporating these teachings into your life!
May your life be meaningful and fulfilled,
Denyse LeFever
Related Video Series
Yamas and Niyamas – Meditation Series with Sharon
Enjoy these beautiful guided meditations. They shine a light on the Yogic principles of the yamas (social restraints) and niyamas (self-disciplines).
CREDITS: Author, Denyse LeFever, Certified Yoga Therapist
Editor, Maria Perez, Certified Yoga & Group Fitness Instructor