Yes, you can recover from Covid! A Holistic Covid Toolkit!
With Simple and Effective Holistic practices, you can strengthen your body to fight Covid! We are a team of Yoga Teachers and Yoga Therapists and we compiled this Holistic Covid Toolkit you can rely on to help you through Covid and recover from it!
Whether you are going through Covid right now, still recovering from it, or trying to avoid it….what we know about Covid is that it is an energy-sucker! The fatigue and muscle aches that comes with Covid are common symptoms, even into the Post-Covid stage. But, the good news is that one of the best solutions for improving your health status and getting strong to fight Covid is MOVING!
Moving energizes your body and makes it stronger to fight the virus. No matter what health condition you are currently in, know that you CAN get stronger because physical and mental strength is what is needed to heal better and recover faster! Check out our Holistic solutions for more ideas on how to keep your body and immune system working for you before, during and after the fight.
As a Covid Re-coverer myself, and helping my elderly parents successfully through it, as well as collaborating with other Yoga professionals who have had it – here is what we learned is key to help in the Covid fight:
3 Important Components of our Physical Health for dealing with Covid:
1. Good Respiratory Function – Deep breathing strengthens your Lungs
2. Good Cardio-Vascular Function – Improves blood flow needed for internal functions
3. Movement – Energizes your body and combats Covid fatigue and muscle aches
Yoga Pose for Covid – “Life Force Reach”
Stand tall and erect with your arms open as wide as comfortable. Lift your chin slightly and take 5-8 deep breaths. As you inhale welcome in healing life force energy (prana) into your being. As you exhale, allow your body to soften and release any tension, fret or worry.
If possible, do this facing the sun for more positive energy, or even in front of a bright window.
Key Benefits: Lifts your Spirits, Expands your Lungs and Gives you more Energy!
Collection of Videos for Covid Support and Recovery

Note: This collection and the related video series are included in all YogaVista.TV subscription plans.
We made it easy for you to find practices that work into your lifestyle. This collection was specifically created to support you through Covid. Mix and match from these options:
Take time every day to move! It will help you heal and get stronger!
To view this collection and/or the related video series below, click on an image.
Related Video Series
The following Video Series are an easy way for you to start your Wellness Practices for Covid Support and Recovery! Depending on your physical abilities, your format preference, and your time commitment, choose a series to begin with and see where it takes you. Each of these series was specifically designed to support you through Covid!
Online Workshops related to Covid Support and Recovery
Online Workshop: An Introduction to Ayurveda and the Doshas
Want to reboot your health status? Do you feel tired, experience hot flashes, have heartburn or sluggish digestion? Do you have difficulty sleeping? Learn what these symptoms mean and what lifestyle and dietary adjustments can be made to bring life into balance with the study of Ayurveda. As part of this Workshop with Lulu Peelle, you will complete a questionnaire to learn about your dosha (mind/body constitution). This will empower you to observe, practice and change the life patterns that cause you stress and imbalance. Extensive handouts are provided as ongoing resources for this valuable life-long practice of health and wellness.
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