When people talk about “staying sharp” as they age, we commonly hear their testimonials about exercise and a healthy diet. Having taught Yoga for seniors for over a decade, I’ve come to recognize another powerful agent for mental acuity: change.
Embracing Change
Yoga, when viewed through the lens of holistic anatomy and physiology, can teach us about mental patterns. We refer to them as samskaras. In the concept of samskara, our life experiences create a template that informs our likes, dislikes, personality and habits. In other words, our lifestyle, relationships, physical posture and demeanor can reflect our long-held patterns. These, in turn, can dramatically influence our mental health.
Memory loss and cognitive decline are big topics in the senior community. Therefore, many people face the need to make a change in order to support their mental health. Thankfully, Yoga offers us a way to embrace this challenge and improve our brain function. It also allows us to reduce stress, disrupt old patterns and create new ones, and promotes deep rest and relaxation.
Can old dogs learn new tricks?
The old saying, “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks,” doesn’t apply so much to people who practice Yoga. This is because when we gather our body, mind and breath to practice Yoga, two amazing things happen:
First, our mind is given a “bone” (to keep with the canine metaphor!). When we focus on our right and left sides, align our limbs and remember to breathe, it gives our mind a place to settle. Then, with our mind settled, we might notice that we fret less and that our brain fog clears up.
Second, the novelty of coordinating the efforts of our body and mind with the breath creates new neural pathways. Our brain can then function beyond the patterns of thought and habit that cemented our synapses into familiar, but out-dated territory. Because that which “fires together wires together,” as is often stated in neuroscience, regular practice helps us strengthen our new mental patterns while dismantling those we’re ready to let go.
While we sleep, our brain’s cleansing cycle, known as the glymphatic system, washes away the synapses that are no longer useful to us, thus shedding the physical manifestations of our patterned samskaras. Yoga promotes the deep sleep that initiates this brain cleanse, as well as the circulation of cerebro-spinal fluid that nourishes and protects our brain.
Here’s a new twist to the Chair Yoga Sun Salutations I usually do in my classes. Why don’t you give it a try?
Teaching Old Dogs New Tricks! Full Seated Chair Yoga Sun Salutations
Thanks to Master Kim for this version of Seated Sun Salutations from her Online Chair Yoga Teacher Training Final Exam! I introduced this more challenging sequence to a group of my Seniors and they got it! Goes to show that the old dogs can surely learn some new tricks!
YogaVista.TV can give you the Change you’re looking for!
As I approach my 65th birthday, I find that moving in unique ways and learning new things from different people offers just the kind of constructive change needed for a healthy mind at my age and beyond. For this reason, we’ve compiled decades worth of Gentle and Chair Yoga classes for seniors.
When you are ready for healthy change, we’re here for you. Browse through our video library to find something new!
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Online Workshops related to this Topic:
Note: This Workshop is included in all YogaVista.TV subscription plans. It is an excerpt from the full 4-Hour workshop below: Foundations of Yoga for Seniors and the Anatomy of Aging.
Workshop: Yoga for Aging - The Anatomy of Movement
We are all aging… that is undeniable. However, what happens to our bodies as we age varies from person to person. Although there are universal aspects of aging, we can actually modify and/or control many of them in order to lead healthier lives. In this Workshop, Sherry Zak Morris, C-IAYT and E-RYT, discusses what happens to our structures as we age. In addition, she explains how these structural changes can be manifested in people over the age of 50 via their posture and gait (walking pattern). Lastly, she provides information on what we can do in a Yoga practice to counteract these changes and/or diminish their progression.
Online Workshop: Foundations of Yoga for Seniors and the Anatomy of Aging
The vast majority of Americans are growing into their senior and golden years. In other words, they are beginning to experience the physical effects of aging. In this Workshop, Sherry Zak Morris, C-IAYT and E-RYT, will teach you about the aging body and how Yoga can help! Furthermore, Sherry will describe the issues facing this student community. Lastly, she will give you the tools and confidence necessary to teach to this demographic.
CREDITS: Author, Sherry Zak Morris, Certified Yoga Therapist
Co-Author, Susana Jones, Certified Yoga Therapist
Editor, Maria Perez, Certified Yoga & Group Fitness Instructor