Finding ways to move fluidly and freely is something that is very important to me. Therefore, I always keep my eye out for movements that I can incorporate into my classes and share with others.
Thanks to Kim for this wonderful sequence that adds a new spin on Goddess and Half Moon. Kim shared this sequence in her Online Chair Yoga Certification Program Teachback and gave credit to YogaFit for the inspiration. I then took Kim’s Chair Yoga flow into my Gentle Yoga class and voilá… another sequence to add to my ever-growing Yoga Pose Library!
Sunflower and Moonflower Flows with Sherry Zak Morris, E-RYT
It’s all about the fluidity of the joints in these standing flowing sequences. The knees, ankles and hips work gracefully together with the wrists, elbows and shoulders while your brain is being charged with organizing and coordinating it all! Ah… the wonders of our bodies!
One of the best compliments a student recently gave me was that “to every class you bring in something new!” There are lots of teachers with lots of creative movements in the YogaVista.TV video library… I hope you’re enjoying them!
And for the Yoga teachers reading this: Thanks for sharing the love of Yoga and movement with those around you. Remember to keep your classes fresh and inspirational!
Let’s keep moving!
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CREDITS: Author, Sherry Zak Morris, Certified Yoga Therapist
Editor, Maria Perez, Certified Yoga & Group Fitness Instructor