Sadness, disappointment, frustration, impatience, fear, anger, etc. We can use a lot of adjectives to describe the feelings we have experienced over these past few years. But with every one of those negative emotions, we dim the light inside of us and drain ourselves of the life energy we need so much to carry on.
What does it mean to carry on?
I looked it up. To “carry on” means to continue especially in spite of hindrance or discouragement. Yes, this is the right description. But, how do we do that when we feel defeated and depleted?
I like to refer to our life force energy as a fuel tank that gets us through life. Everybody’s energy fuel tank holds a capacity that helps to get us through our day. This tank gets drained just through dealing with the daily details of life, working through unpleasant situations and thinking negative and worrisome thoughts. If you feel exhausted by the end of the day, then you have most likely drained your energy tank.
Sleep is nature’s gift of replenishment for our energy. We all know what it feels like to wake up after a good night’s sleep. We feel more energetic, optimistic and ready to take on the day. And surely we all know what it feels like when we have had a restless night’s sleep and wake up in a foggy haze. I call that feeling “running on fumes”!
How do we fill up our Energy Tanks?
Fortunately, the wisdom practices of Yoga provide us with the answer to this question. Our goal is to live in a balanced state where our energy level provides us with enough fuel to do the things we need to do. And yes, to do the things we love to do as well!
3 Components to our Energy Fuel Tank
Our Body
We are meant for motion. Every joint is meant to move and our internal organs are always at work making sure the engine of our body is working well. We are organic beings made up of flesh and blood. Thus, we need to nourish our organism with air, healthy food and movement to perform at our optimal level.
With Yoga, together with its sister science Ayurveda, you can guarantee to have a full energy tank with quality fuel. Start or end your day with a Yoga practice and you will feel the difference in your energy level and sleep quality.
Our Spirit
Another name for spirit could be simply stated as our mood. Do you feel happy and excited, or sad and angry? Can you guess which moods deplete your energy tank and which ones fill it up? However, the more important question is: Can you switch your mood from negative to positive? The answer is: Yes you can!
In Yoga, there is a common practice known as Gratitude. Gratitude helps you feel more positive emotions, relish good experiences, improve your health, deal with adversity, and build strong relationships. For a quick energy lift, sit and think about everything you are grateful for!
Our Mind
Surprisingly, our mind is the biggest energy sucker of the three. That is because it is in constant motion with thousands of thoughts to process. It can be on high alert (anxiety). It can take us on a trip into a dark hole (depression). And it can take us into a future that is scary and frightening (fear).
In Yoga, there is a concept called “taming the mind.” It is a process that takes inner strength, discipline and vigilance. But, its payoff is the largest because a free mind brings peace of mind. With a mind clear and free from negativity, you will find you have more energy to explore the good things that life offers. That creative exploration process will put quality fuel in your life force energy tank.
How to Deal with the aftermath of some crazy years?
Luckily, this year is almost over. We will metaphorically be turning the page to a brand new year in just a few weeks. Unfortunately, our life and world circumstances will most likely be the same with the rolling of the calendar page. That is reality.
However, now is the time to reflect on how YOU weathered the storms of these few years. If you feel drained, depressed and lacking hope, then you have an empty fuel tank. Only you can fill it up. No one else can.
Make a pact with yourself to work on ways to fill up your life force energy tank on a daily basis.
Start or end your day with a Yoga practice with us on YogaVista.TV. We have lots to help you feel better and lift your spirits! Our Wellness Practices are a great place to get started.
Happy New Year to us all!
Sherry Zak Morris
Founder, Yoga Vista
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Online Workshops related to this Topic:
Online Workshop: An Introduction to Ayurveda and the Doshas
Want to reboot your health status? Do you feel tired, experience hot flashes, have heartburn or sluggish digestion? Do you have difficulty sleeping? Learn what these symptoms mean and what lifestyle and dietary adjustments can be made to bring life into balance with the study of Ayurveda. As part of this Workshop with Lulu Peelle, you will complete a questionnaire to learn about your dosha (mind/body constitution). This will empower you to observe, practice and change the life patterns that cause you stress and imbalance. Extensive handouts are provided as ongoing resources for this valuable life-long practice of health and wellness.
CREDITS: Author, Sherry Zak Morris, Certified Yoga Therapist
Editor, Maria Perez, Certified Yoga & Group Fitness Instructor