Questioning ourselves as we Age
Does the fear of falling stop you from doing the things you love?
Sometimes with age, we decide to stop taking chances, both physically and emotionally. But being realistic about the things we could or should no longer do will surely keep us safe and comfortable. On the other hand, they can become self-imposed limitations. They can also make us doubt what we are truly capable of.
“I’m too frail,” “I’m not coordinated enough,” or “I’m no longer flexible,” may have some truth to them, but they may also be self-fulfilling declarations. Therefore, we must strive to stay robust, agile and limber as we age. Otherwise, those statements may become true and the fear of falling will worsen.
Shedding our Mental Limitations
If you often find yourself saying that you can’t do this or that due to these kinds of limitations, it’s not too late to question whether that’s really the case. Similarly, you can shake it up a bit while staying safe and mindful of the limits that be. That’s why, at Yoga Vista, we offer Gentle Yoga and Chair Yoga videos that are stimulating and conscientious of the parameters of aging.
For example, the Gentle Yoga sequence below is geared towards balance and coordination. In addition, it builds trust in our capabilities. Our Adaptive Yoga teacher, Heather, offers up a version of Half Moon Pose with a chair for balance. In Yoga we call this a “peak pose.” We certainly hope it helps you feel empowered and uplifted!
Nix your Fear of Falling with this Adaptive Version of Half Moon Pose with Heather
Does your fear of falling stop you from doing certain Yoga poses? We all know that fear can be an over-exaggeration of our creative minds. But I recommend you try this “adapted” version of Ardha Chandrasana (Half Moon Pose). You will certainly feel your fear diminish and your courage arise. Adaptive Yoga teacher, Heather is creative and determined to keep her students safe and elated in every class!
Do you like those woven baskets in the background? Heather is a weaver too. Check out her work here: https://www.facebook.com/TheSilkieKeeper
For more ideas, read this Article on improving balance through practice. It can also help to diminish your fear of falling by improving brain/muscle coordination.
May your fear diminish and your courage rise!
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Online Workshops related to this Topic:
Online Workshop: Imbalance, Vertigo and Dizziness in Older Adults
Have you ever felt dizzy in Yoga class? Do you feel unprepared or confused about what to do about it? In this Workshop, Dr. Kimberley Bell, DPT, will explore the basic causes of dizziness and vertigo. In addition, Dr. Bell will use brain-based learning strategies to empower you with the knowledge, skills and confidence to respond to these issues. Lastly, she will provide safe and appropriate strategies for you to stay safe in your Yoga classes and beyond.
CREDITS: Author, Sherry Zak Morris, Certified Yoga Therapist
Co-Author, Susana Jones, Certified Yoga Therapist
Editor, Maria Perez, Certified Yoga & Group Fitness Instructor