We hear it all the time… The first thing that goes as we age is our balance! Unfortunately, losing our balance and falling can lead to devastating injuries. Is there anything we can do about improving our balance? Thankfully, there is! We can develop better balance by working on our proprioception. In other words, we can do movement practices that enhance our sense of knowing where our body is in space.
According to the Save Institute:
“With the age-related decline of proprioception, there comes a reduction in standing stability and an increase in the risk of falls… Fortunately, studies with older people have found that interventions that provide targeted physical exercises can improve proprioception and subsequently reduce the likelihood of falls.”
Move daily to boost your proprioception!
Practicing feeling off balance helps to re-educate your body to react more quickly to unsteady movements without even thinking about how to do it. So next time you trip over the rug or your dog’s toy, your body is ready, willing and able to respond and keep you from falling!
Try this standing Energizing Gentle Yoga sequence that was inspired by the graceful coordination of Tai Chi. Explore balance and coordination by shifting your center of gravity through fluid movements that strengthen the lower body, core and senses. If it helps, keep a sturdy chair nearby to hold on to for extra support.
Losing Your Balance to Find It! Gentle Yoga Standing Sequence with Sherry Zak Morris, E-RYT
Practicing feeling off balance helps to re-educate your body to react more quickly to unsteady movements without thinking about how to do it. The ability to “right ourselves” when we stumble or trip takes proprioception. This is defined as the sense of knowing where your body is in space.
Try this standing Energizing Gentle Yoga sequence with Sherry Zak Morris to help improve your balance and strengthen your supporting joints and muscles. (Have a chair nearby if you want!)
Practice with us to improve your balance
We have created an Wellness Practices for Balance & Stability just for you! The videos in this program offer many ways for you to practice better balance. Be sure to check them out, so the next time something unexpected trips you up, your body and senses will be more alert and ready to respond in a way that keeps you on your feet.
May you find balance in life,
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Online Workshops related to this Topic:
Online Workshop: Imbalance, Vertigo and Dizziness in Older Adults
Have you ever felt dizzy in Yoga class? Do you feel unprepared or confused about what to do about it? In this Workshop, Dr. Kimberley Bell, DPT, will explore the basic causes of dizziness and vertigo. In addition, Dr. Bell will use brain-based learning strategies to empower you with the knowledge, skills and confidence to respond to these issues. Lastly, she will provide safe and appropriate strategies for you to stay safe in your Yoga classes and beyond.
CREDITS: Author, Sherry Zak Morris, Certified Yoga Therapist
Co-Author, Susana Jones, Certified Yoga Therapist
Editor, Maria Perez, Certified Yoga & Group Fitness Instructor