My workshop with Tom Myers!
I recently attended an anatomy workshop with Tom Myers, author of Anatomy Trains. For two days, I was a student! I took notes, learned new things and assimilated them into new ideas to help you feel healthy, strong and pain-free!
Using a Chair as a “Prop”
As the founder of Yoga Vista and a pioneer in accessible Yoga for Seniors and people with mobility challenges, I do a lot of Yoga in a chair. Above all, it’s the “prop” I use most often to teach Yoga and educate our clients, because it is accessible to almost everyone. No matter if you can stand or not, if you can stand with or without support, or if you can run circles around a chair, the most important things I am sharing are creative and different ways to move. And why is that so important?
What is Vector Variation?
Tom’s teachings continually reinforce the need for our bodies to move in different and variable ways. Moreover, “varying the vectors” of how we move keeps our minds and bodies healthy because we are challenging ourselves. In short, doing familiar things in a new way stimulates resilience in our joints, freedom in our range of movement, and agility in the mind.
Are you ready to get off the gym machines, stop doing the same 20-something Yoga poses and explore “vector variation” for yourself? If so, here’s a video to get you started!
How Often Should You Stretch? A Guideline for Life with Sherry Zak Morris
If you are asking yourself how often you should stretch, here’s a simple answer. And if you are not quite sure HOW to stretch, I give a few easy pointers. Listen up and follow this simple guideline for life.
Change your movements, change your life!
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Online Workshops related to this Topic:
Note: This Workshop is included in all YogaVista.TV subscription plans. It is an excerpt from the full 4-Hour workshop below: Foundations of Yoga for Seniors and the Anatomy of Aging.
Workshop: Yoga for Aging - The Anatomy of Movement
We are all aging… that is undeniable. However, what happens to our bodies as we age varies from person to person. Although there are universal aspects of aging, we can actually modify and/or control many of them in order to lead healthier lives. In this Workshop, Sherry Zak Morris, C-IAYT and E-RYT, discusses what happens to our structures as we age. In addition, she explains how these structural changes can be manifested in people over the age of 50 via their posture and gait (walking pattern). Lastly, she provides information on what we can do in a Yoga practice to counteract these changes and/or diminish their progression.
Online Workshop: Foundations of Yoga for Seniors and the Anatomy of Aging
The vast majority of Americans are growing into their senior and golden years. In other words, they are beginning to experience the physical effects of aging. In this Workshop, Sherry Zak Morris, C-IAYT and E-RYT, will teach you about the aging body and how Yoga can help! Furthermore, Sherry will describe the issues facing this student community. Lastly, she will give you the tools and confidence necessary to teach to this demographic.
CREDITS: Author, Sherry Zak Morris, Certified Yoga Therapist
Co-Author, Susana Jones, Certified Yoga Therapist
Editor, Maria Perez, Certified Yoga & Group Fitness Instructor