Low Back conditions are fairly common in the 50+ population. Examples are Lumbar Disc Damage and SI Joint Dysfunction. Both of these create an instability in the spine that can be compromised in twisting and bending postures. You may ask: If we have a Low Back issue, should we practice Yoga on the floor? The answer is yes, but only if there is no pain and it is done cautiously.
“Being Cautious” is the Name of the Game
Always err on the side of less is good! If you have one or more Low Back conditions, you should be very cautious while doing spinal movements. Especially where forward bends and twists are concerned. Remember the saying “No Pain, No Pain.” If you feel any type of pain, gently back out of the pose.
Above all, be mindful and listen to your body so that you learn where your limits are. In other words, know when to stop and find a place where you can enjoy the benefits of a gentle stretch without any pain.
Justine Shelton uses her therapy training to adapt Yoga poses for students with Low Back conditions. Have your props ready and join Justine to reap the benefits of some powerful Yoga poses.
The Most Cautious Approach to Forward Bending and Twisting: Gentle Yoga Therapy with Justine
Anyone with Lumbar Disc Damage and/or SI Joint Displacement must be very cautious while doing spinal movements. Most importantly during forward bends and twists. Justine Shelton, AVI-Viniyoga Therapist demonstrates a few adapted approaches to keep students safe, while allowing them to still benefit from the effects of these powerful Yoga poses.
We have created Wellness Practices for Low Back Care that include a lot of additional information. If you experience Low Back issues, it would be worthy of your time and attention for you to check it out.
Keep moving cautiously and mindfully!
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Online Workshops related to this Topic:
Online Workshop: I’ve Got Your Back! Daily Yoga for Low Back Care
This Workshop is for everyone who has Low Back issues -- from periodic achiness to chronic pain. Justine Shelton, E-RYT500, C-IAYT, will help you better understand the dos and don’ts of back care. Justine will also cover safe movements and Yoga poses that support and strengthen your back. In addition, she will provide ways to release tension and tightness so that you can move and feel better. Without doubt, Justine’s knowledge of Low Back Care is very thorough. It is grounded in her own experience with Low Back issues, her in-depth Viniyoga therapeutic training and her thousands of teaching and mentoring hours.
Online Workshop: Foundations of Yoga for Low Back Care
Low Back Pain is pervasive in our culture and one of the top reasons people come to Yoga. It can be caused by a myriad of structural issues and/or spinal injuries. Therefore, not all Yoga poses are appropriate or therapeutic for everyone. In this Workshop, Back Pain Specialist Justine Shelton, C-IAYT, will teach you how to be mindful and care for your Low Back during Yoga classes. Justine will also review the anatomy and physiology of common conditions of the Low Back such as lumbar disc damage, sciatica, sacroiliac joint dysfunction, osteoarthritis, spinal stenosis and spinal curve imbalances. In addition, she will discuss the contraindications for these common conditions. Lastly, she will provide beneficial poses that assist in the Low Back’s return to healthy function!
CREDITS: Author, Sherry Zak Morris, Certified Yoga Therapist
Editor, Maria Perez, Certified Yoga & Group Fitness Instructor