Reduce your risk of Falls and Injuries If you have noticed your balance is not what it used to be, then you are in the right place! Indeed, your ability to...

Reduce your risk of Falls and Injuries If you have noticed your balance is not what it used to be, then you are in the right place! Indeed, your ability to...
Thankfully, we can improve our balance by working on our proprioception — our sense of knowing where our body is in space.
We see a lot of bare feet in Yoga classes. Panning the room, I can see swollen and discolored feet, toes that jam together, ankles that turn outward, flat...
Finding ways to move fluidly and freely is something that is very important to me. Therefore, I always keep my eye out for movements that I can incorporate...
As a teacher of Chair Yoga for seniors, I hear many stories from my students about their health. Some of my favorites are their “near fall” stories. I like...
Do you experience knee pain when the weather is about to change? For years, the knee I injured long ago while playing sports would start to ache before it...
When I think of “brain power,” in the context of Yoga for seniors, I think of people in my life who demonstrate having vibrant energy well through their elder...
If we were to mimic a person taking a deep breath of fresh air, we would likely lift our chests and hold our heads up high. A gentle backbend like this helps...
Questioning ourselves as we Age Does the fear of falling stop you from doing the things you love? Sometimes with age, we decide to stop taking chances, both...