Yoga Vista Articles
Empower Yourself with Knowledge
Astounding Research – Yoga for Low Back Pain
Yoga relieves Chronic Pain Teachers and practitioners often swear by the pain-relieving benefits of Yoga for the Low Back. Due to an increase in research into these claims, the medical community is...

How Yoga Helps with our Old Injuries
A long life on Earth subjects our bodies to the force of gravity and the tendency for our tissues to calcify as time goes on. The ways in which these natural phenomena act upon old injuries can...

The Simplicity of a Good, Long Stretch
The older I get, the more I feel the need to stretch. Similarly, tight muscles, stiff joints, dry skin, general tension and achiness all serve as cues that it’s time to treat my body and mind to a...

Grief can Benefit from Gentle Movements
Grief touches our lives in so many ways. Losing a loved one, a job or a career are common sources of grief. Similarly, moving from one’s home base or grappling with sudden change can be very...

At Risk Yoga Poses for the SI Joint
I have a bird’s eye view of what is happening in the bodies of our 50+ aged Yoga Vista students. How? Because I have a record of the sales and views of all the Gentle, Senior and Chair Yoga videos...

Balance + Coordination = Brain Power
When I think of “brain power,” in the context of Yoga for seniors, I think of people in my life who demonstrate having vibrant energy well through their elder years. They tend to be active, agile...

Breathe Better, Stand Taller with this Gentle Backbend
If we were to mimic a person taking a deep breath of fresh air, we would likely lift our chests and hold our heads up high. A gentle backbend like this helps keep us balanced and breathing well....

How Change and Yoga Keep our Minds Sharp
When people talk about “staying sharp” as they age, we commonly hear their testimonials about exercise and a healthy diet. Having taught Yoga for seniors for over a decade, I’ve come to recognize...

“Motion is Lotion” for Creaking, Popping and Painful Joints
Are creaking, cracking and popping joints normal? When confronting body aches and pains, observation and the quest for understanding can greatly serve us as we age. This is true especially for our...

When Bad Posture is a Good Thing
"I have poor Posture.” I love hearing these words from my friends and students. Why? Because it shows that they acknowledge how they’re holding their bodies. In Yoga philosophy, this would be an...